Have you ever wondered when the dream of intelligent machines became a reality? The story of Artificial Intelligence is a fascinating journey that began with ancient myths and continues to rapidly evolve today.

Let's explore the origin and development of AI

Founding Period In the summer of 1956, at an academic conference held at Dartmouth University, several distinguished scientists discussed how to make machines simulate intelligent. McCarthy first proposed the term artificial intelligence, which gave birth to AI.
The First Golden Age AI boomed after the Dartmouth Conference with expert systems like disease diagnosis tools. But limitations in acquiring knowledge led to a period of stagnation in the late 1970s - the first "AI winter."
The Second Golden Age In 1982, the Hopfield neural network and BT training algorithm sparked advancements in AI like speech translation and recognition. Despite this progress, by the late 1990s, AI was seen as distant from everyday life. As a result, AI faced another downturn.
The Third Golden Period The period from 2006 to now has seen rapid development in artificial intelligence, driven by the widespread use of GPUs for faster parallel processing. Additionally, the unlimited storage capacity has enabled large-scale access to various types of data.


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