About Us

Welcome to the Branched Timeline! We are glad you are here. 

Owner: Arnav Gupta

The idea of the Branched Timeline originated from the concept of multiverse theory, theories on time and space, new science tech and a little bit from sci-fi comics. The first idea came in 2010 and it was implemented in 2020. Ten years of brainstorming and collecting knowledge by studying the work of various scientist and observing nature closely made me capable to start The Branched Timeline. 

While I was researching on various topics I found lots of content online, where false information is given. Along with that people think that by knowing flaunting facts and complex formulas or by saying complex scientific names they can be intelligent like Einstein but it's not like that. This tempted me to start The Branched Timeline. 

To know more you may check The Origin

All of our content is scrutinized by people who are studying that particular field so the chances of false information is minimal. 

Along with giving facts we also encourage people to work on their imagination like what would they do if they could time travel, what would happen if they fall in black hole, imagination on concept of parallel world etc

Along with science and technology we also publish articles of other day to day topics.

  • Imagination, Thinking and Creativity
  • Learn and Be Curious
  • Why? - The most important question
  • Simplify and Excel
  • High passion and ever ready to fail
  • Integrity and Accountability
  • Anything is possible from infinity and beyond 

Everything written here is a fact ! Minimal chances of going wrong and a place of one its kind. 

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