Cells come in many different shapes and sizes and have a wide range of functions. There are more than 200 different types in the body.
Here's a list talking about few of those types-

Nerve Cell (Neuron) Sends out and receive information from other cells through tiny electrical impulses.

2. Red Blood Cell (RBC) Picks up oxygen from the lungs and carries it to other body cells. They also give blood its typical red colour.

3. Epithelial Cell Packed together, these protective cells from skin's epidermis and line organs, such as the lung and stomach.

4. Fat Cell Found in layers under the skin. These cells store fat as an energy reserve and to insulate the body.

5. Muscle Cell Contains long strands of fibrous protein that interact to make muscle cells contract, usually when triggered by nerve signal.

6. Liver Cell Regulates the chemical composition of the blood by storing and processing food and removing harmful substances.

7. Photoreceptor Cell These light sensitive cells found in the eye convert light into nerve impulses to send to brain.

Our body is a mesmerizing orchestra of diverse cells, each with a unique role to play. Understanding their functions helps us appreciate the marvel of human biology!


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