The Zoo Hypothesis is a hypothesis in the field of astrobiology which suggests that advanced extra-terrestrial civilizations may be deliberately avoiding contact with Earth and its inhabitants, much like visitors to a zoo would try not to disturb the animals they observe.

It is based on the assumption that intelligent extra-terrestrial life exists. It proposes that these civilizations have the ability to detect and observe Earth from afar, and have chosen not to make contact with us, possibly out of concern for our safety or their own.

Such civilizations could be observing us, using methods such as sophisticated probes or monitoring devices. It is also speculated that ET civilizations may have created a "galactic quarantine" around Earth, limiting our ability to explore or communicate beyond our solar system.

Some critics argue that it is unlikely that all advanced civilizations would choose to remain hidden, and that there may be more practical reasons for the lack of contact. Nonetheless, the hypothesis remains an interesting area of research.


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