Langlands Program is a set of conjectures that connect different areas of mathematics, such as number theory, representation theory, and algebraic geometry. It was proposed by the mathematician Robert Langlands in the 1960s and 1970s.

It proposes that there is a deep connection between two seemingly unrelated areas of mathematics: the theory of automorphic forms and the theory of Galois representations.

Automorphic forms are functions on a group, such as the group of rational numbers or the group of adele (which are the ring of numbers in a given field). They have many important applications in number theory and in the development of encryption algorithms.

Galois representations, on the other hand, are functions that describe how the solutions to polynomial equations behave under permutations of their roots.

In particular, it suggests that there is a correspondence between automorphic forms and Galois representations that can be used to solve long-standing problems in number theory, such as the conjecture that every even integer is the sum of two primes (Goldbach conjecture)

The Langlands program is still largely conjectural though it has had a profound impact on the development of modern mathematics. Many important results in number theory, representation theory, and algebraic geometry have been motivated and inspired by it.


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