The Atom - Quantum Life

Hello World ! 

Have you ever wondered that are we alone in this vast multiverse? Few might say that we are not alone, there are aliens or mutants out there but I'm not talking about them, though that's a topic for another time. Today  I'm talking about the beings of higher dimensions (or lower dimensions).   

Atom can be defined as something very small - so small that its beyond our imagination. Now if we apply this concept with our solar system with respect to universe (or multiverse) then solar system will act as an atom whereas all planets will be like electrons orbiting it.

Now if we think about it, it will be like living inside a sub-atomic particle (Earth) w.r.t universe. If the same logic is applied then that confers that the atoms that we know might also have a life inside it, lets call it a "Quantum Life."

When we do experiments with atom, quantum life wont be affected because the quantum laws of mechanics wont let them be affected. The physics of quantum level and the macroscopic level are completely different. It might be that our solar system is continuously being experimented on by beings of higher dimensions (just like we experiment on atom) but our physics and chemistries don't allow us to notice or get affected, it can also be that we may notice but we are thinking that its normal. 

The people in higher dimension, if they have discovered the concept of quantum life might consider us as quantum life but we know that there are even smaller things than us. Therefore few conclusions can be made-

  1. Either we are the second smallest beings or there might be more worlds, even smaller than quantum world that is yet to be discovered.
  2. We know that there are things smaller than atom like strings (string theory) but its a possibility that there can be more smaller things that strings. 
  3. String may not be the fundamental particle as there can be even smaller things. (String can be a fundamental particle if we consider string the smallest particle for our dimension.)
  4. If God is real then he is present in the highest dimension or the last dimension to keep a look of beings of all dimensions. 
The only advance machine we know is a time machine but we also need a machine like quantum tunnel (from MCU) that can go in various dimensions or worlds (parallel worlds).

In a nutshell we are not the only life, except aliens or mutants, each level ( according to size and spatial dimensions) of our universe (or multiverse) has its own life.    

Question : Do you think you are in control of your life or you are being run in a simulation ?


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