The Dream - Instances in Parallel Worlds


Hello World !

What exactly is a dream ? No one knows it yet, biology defines it in some way, mystics defines in the other, and so lets define it in the words of physics. 

All the dreams that we see can be our past, future or present. Since time is not absolute and these worlds may be far from us so relativity holds good here 

  • Dreams and the parallel worlds are here considered same.  
  • Wherever world is written I am actually referring to the parallel worlds.  

When we sleep there are two things either we dream or we don’tNow think our brain as a phone and ourselves in the parallel worlds as a Wi-Fi having some unique password only we know. Since we only know the password so no one else can come in our dream/world against our will. *Inception can be called a hacking device from which we can go in anyone’s dream/world.* When a phone is in the range of the Wi-Fi it connects to it automatically, we do it manually, or it doesn’t connect.  

Now taking each instances one by one. When we sleep and no dreams come in our mind i.e. a sound sleep we can say that our minds didn’t connect to ourselves in the other world as they were not in the range. There is one more probability that all of ourselves are sleeping that’s why we are seeing no dreams. 

If we sleep and see any dream it can be said that we have connected to ourselves and the thing that we are seeing in our dream is actually happening to us in that particular universe. 

 If we see only 1 or at max 2 dreams that means our connection with that world is the strongest and those instances might occur to us in the near future since the worlds are very close so might happen that in future they integrate (assuming gravity between them is strong since they are very close). Those things will occur to us (in future) and that’s what we’ll call a Déjà vu. In déjà vu the things have happened with you but not in this world but in some other world but after their integration both of you are one so you feel that has already happened to you.  

Now if you see more than 2 dreams we can say that our brain is constantly being connected to other worlds from which it finds a good connection. Hence if we see many dreams we can say that so and so are happening to us in the different worlds. Since there are infinite worlds we can see infinite dreams or vice-versa.  

Many people say that the things you see/feel/hear before sleeping might decide your dreams, so here just as I stated in the first paragraph that we can manually connect to the Wifi similarly is our dream. In our sleep our mind connects to such a world where such things are happening to us. Even if the world is very far from us we might only get a glance of it but we’ll see it. 

Another point to remember is that as there are infinite parallel worlds so infinite dreams are possible.

In conclusion, the dreams that we see are not merely a dream rather they are the reality that we are seeing happening to us but in some other worlds at time precise moment.


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